Accidental Love Read online

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  Zoe spotted him first. “Fuck.”

  Emma stopped dancing and crouched down. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  Cody had come to a stop behind Emma. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and prickles tap danced down her spine. Her nipples pebbled, legs weakened and juices flooded her pussy. Fuck. There’s only one man who can do this to me.

  She stood slowly before turning around. Tipping her head back she stumbled slightly and smiled. “Cody, how nice of you to join us.”

  He grabbed her upper arm. “You take my sister out of the house without permission. Make a spectacle of yourself on the dance floor. You’re drunk and, you say it’s nice I joined you?” He attempted to avoid drawing attention to his sister more than Emma already had.

  She wrenched her arm from his hand. “I am not drunk. I’ve had cola that’s all. I’m not so stupid as to drink and drive.”

  He placed his hands on the handles of the wheelchair and began pushing Zoe away.

  “Hey, where are you taking her?” Emma attempted to grab control of the wheelchair from him.

  “Home, where she belongs.” Cody headed for the front doors.

  She ran around in front of the chair and placed her hands firmly on the armrests. “You’re not taking her anywhere, buddy.”

  “Emma, let go or I swear to God, I’ll push the damn thing straight over the top of you.”

  “Emma, it’s okay.” Tears streamed down Zoe’s face.

  “No, it’s not fucking okay. Your brother’s a self- centered, self-absorbed bully and it stops now. You’re not some porcelain doll he can sit on a shelf because he’s afraid you might break.”

  “Emma, move now. I’m taking my sister home.” His voice was menacingly quiet, threatening.

  Emma wasn’t about to back down. Her friend’s life had obviously been even more miserable than it should have been over the past few weeks. She was determined to put a stop to his bullying tactics right here and now. She didn’t care one iota about the other patrons who were staring at them.

  “I’m not moving. I brought her here and I’ll bring her home when she tells me she’s ready.”

  Cody watched as fire danced in Emma’s eyes. He had known her all her life and recognized the flashes of anger. Always stubborn, opinionated and downright frustrating, calling her a pain in the ass was putting it mildly.

  “Please, don’t fight over me.” Zoe sobbed.

  Emma removed her hands from the chair, knelt down and pulled her friend close. She ran her hand gently over her hair as Zoe cried into her chest. She tilted her head and glared up at Cody.

  Cody moved to the front of the chair, he crouched next to Emma and held his sister’s hand. “Come on, honey. It’s okay, you’ve heard us fight before.”

  Zoe lifted her head. “I need you both so badly now. If you keep fighting I’m going to have to choose between the two of you and, I couldn’t bear to have to do that. I love you both so much.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I just want to keep you safe. I don’t want you hurt when people stare at you and pity you,” Cody said.

  “I need to live, Cody. It’s bad enough I’ve lost the use of my legs, please don’t take my life away too. I’ll die if I have to sit at home all the time.”

  He stood and dragged his hand through his hair. He knew when he was beaten and his sister was probably right. She’d lost enough without losing anything more. “Alright. You can stay but I’m staying too.”

  The girls smirked at each other.

  Emma pushed the wheelchair back to a table. Round one to us girls. Cody moved a chair out of the way and she slotted Zoe in close.

  “What are you drinking?”

  “I told you, cola for me and Zoe’s drinking mineral water. Your sister was always the healthy one.”

  Cody stomped his way over to the bar for their drinks while Emma sat down. She wiped the tears from her friend’s face and squeezed her hand.

  “I guess we got the better of him this time.”

  “I’ve missed you so much, Emma. I knew you would force him to see sense.”

  “It’s only round one, sis. I think there’s a lot more to come.”

  She watched as Cody stepped around other patrons and made his way back to the table with their drinks. Fuck, the man was sinfully handsome.


  Cody sat next to his sister and opposite Emma. Music played softly in the background, couples in love danced close to each other. How Emma wished she had someone special who loved her. She’d had several dates, one night stands, but every time she thought she might have found ‘the one’, Cody’s face would materialize and she would begin comparing them. No-one ever came close to her sexy cowboy. Damn him. It was the reason she was almost twenty-six years old, didn’t date and was still a virgin. She groaned as she lifted her cola to her lips.

  “Are you okay?” Zoe asked.

  “Fine, just fucking fine, hon.”

  Cody glanced at her curiously. She had been watching the couples on the dance floor with a faraway, dreamy expression in her eyes. Was it longing? Did she have someone special she was missing since she’d left France?

  His gut clenched. His mouthful of beer tasted bitter and he cringed as he swallowed. He didn’t want to think about Emma with another man. Pain in the ass or not, he hated the thought of another man’s hands on her sexy, curvaceous body.

  What the fuck is she doing to me? I haven’t been able to think straight since she arrived and it’s only been a few hours.

  A tall, handsome man approached Emma and held out his hand. “Ma’am, would you care to dance?”

  “Get lost Brody. The lady’s dancing with me.” Cody stood and shot out his hand.

  A confused Emma rose, shrugged at Brody, and slid her hand into Cody’s. She glanced down at Zoe.

  “Go, have fun. Ryan, sit down and keep me company.” Zoe said.

  Ryan Brody pulled out a chair and sat down with Zoe while the couple stepped onto the dance floor.

  Cody pulled Emma into his arms. She melted against him, her head resting against his broad chest, her arms wrapped around his neck. They began swaying slowly. He kissed the top of her hair and dropped his hands to the curve of her butt.

  Emma pulled them back up to her waist. “Easy there, cowboy. We don’t even like each other, remember?” She replaced her arms around his neck.

  Cody stiffened. She doesn’t like me? Not good, not now I think I might like to get to know her better, much better. “I’ve never said I didn’t like you,” he whispered close to her ear.

  The warm breath fanning her face as he spoke caused tingles to dance down her spine. Her knees turned to jelly, thank heaven he had a firm grip on her.

  She might not like me but if those nipples poking my chest mean anything, her body sure does. His cock argued with his zipper, desperate for release, His hard rod pressed into her belly. She glanced up at him in surprise. He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, it’s hard to control my body when I have a gorgeous woman in my arms.”

  “I would have thought by now; you would be able to control your body. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of beautiful girls in your arms and your bed.”

  Ouch! “Beautiful, yes. But gorgeous, like you? No.”

  He thinks I’m gorgeous? Why does it hurt so much to know he’s had beautiful girls in his bed? “I think you might need glasses, cowboy. I’m fairly easy on the eyes but gorgeous? No way.”

  He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head. She gazed back at him innocently. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you, you’re gorgeous? Not even your boyfriends?”

  “I’ve never had a boyfriend.” She dropped her eyes to his chest. The buttons of his shirt were suddenly fascinating.

  Fuck. Did I hear what I thought I heard? He bent his knees, he needed to see Emma’s eyes, he’d know if she was telling the truth when he asked his next question. “Are you telling me, you’ve never been with a man?”

  She blushed and attempted to lower her head
. His fingers refused to let go so she had to be content with closing her eyes.

  Goddamn, what’s wrong with the male sex? How can a gorgeous girl like Emma still be a virgin? Even his sister had been wooed into sex and, although she was beautiful, she didn’t hold a candle to Emma.

  “Emma, open your eyes.” Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed back at him. It tore at his heart. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

  He straightened and hugged her close as they again swayed to the soft music. She buried her face against his chest and he felt her quietly crying. Why did Emma being a virgin excite him? Why did he hate the thought of anyone but him taking her body?

  The music stopped and Emma raised her head and glanced up. Cody smiled, his eyes sparkling with passion.

  “I think we should go back to Zoe.” She was confused by the signals he was sending. Her heart was in turmoil, racing out of control.

  He reluctantly released her and guided her back to the table. She sat down and dabbed at her eyes with a tissue before sipping her cola.

  Zoe glared at her brother. “What have you done now?”

  He lifted his hands in the air, palms facing out. “I swear; I haven’t done anything.”

  “Why is my best friend crying then?”

  “I’m fine, hon. It was just something we were talking about and I got a little emotional. I promise you, we weren’t fighting.”

  Zoe glanced between the two of them, she looked suspicious but accepted her friend’s explanation.

  “How about I treat you to a steak dinner at Casper’s?” Cody asked.

  “Sounds good to me. I’m so glad to be out of the house and a steak dinner would be great.”

  “Emma?” Cody asked.

  How can I be around him now he knows I’ve never been with anyone? Grow up Emma, it’s no big deal. As if he’s really gonna care. He can have his choice of beautiful women, why on earth would he waste his time on you?

  “Emma?” Cody insisted.

  “Sorry, I was miles away. Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.”

  “Okay. Casper’s it is.” Cody stood and took command of the wheelchair. “Do you want to walk or take the cars?”

  Emma held the door open while he steered the chair through. “Let’s walk. It’s a beautiful evening.”

  They turned toward the bottom of the hill where the steak diner sat on the waterfront. Emma strolled a few paces behind. Her heart ached for what she couldn’t have. Cody thought of her as a pesky nuisance, he’d made no secret of that fact. Her defence against her true feelings, was to irritate, and fight with the man. But, how long could she keep her true feelings hidden away? Had she made a mistake in offering to become his sister’s full time carer? How would she cope with seeing him every day knowing she couldn’t have him? How would her heart deal with seeing him seduce other beautiful women?


  Emma played with the food on her plate. How was she going to protect her heart if she was living at the ranch, seeing Cody every day? Face it Emma, your feelings will never be returned. He might think of you as gorgeous and, he might want to drag you into his bed, but he’ll never commit to a future with you. Could being fucked by him be enough? Was it better than nothing?

  “Emma, are you done or are you going to sit here all night and push your food from one side of that plate to the other?” Cody asked.

  “Sorry. Not as hungry as I thought. Must be jet lag.” She placed her fork down on her plate and sipped at her cola.

  “When did you get back?” he asked.

  “Seven this morning. As soon as Dan told me about Zoe, I dropped everything and drove straight out.”

  “I didn’t realize. You must be dead on your feet.” Zoe placed her hand over Emma’s.

  “Hmmm. I am beginning to feel it.”

  Let’s get you both on your way then.” Cody stood and took charge of the wheelchair.

  After he paid the bill, they strolled back up the hill and he lifted his sister into the car. He fastened her seatbelt while Emma folded the chair into the trunk.

  “Please drive carefully and a little slower,” he begged Emma as she slid behind the wheel.

  “I will. I need to go home and collect a few things before we come out to the ranch so we’ll see you there.” She turned the key and fired up the engine.

  “How long are you fixing to stay?” he asked.

  “Until Zoe is walking again.” Zoe and Cody stared at her like she’d grown an extra head. “She will walk again. I promise you both.”

  “That’s one hell of a promise, Emma,” Cody growled. He didn’t want anyone giving his sister false hope. They had done the rounds of the Specialists and they all had agreed she would not walk again. Why did Emma seem to think she knew better?

  “You’ll see.” Emma’s fire had returned for the first time since her dance and conversation with Cody.

  “Oh yeah, while I remember. What happened to Eden? Did you give her the rest of the day off? She wasn’t at the ranch. I searched everywhere for her.”

  A stab of jealousy pierced Emma and she stiffened. Why was he so interested in Eden? Did they have something going?

  “No, Emma, um, we actually, sacked her.” Zoe replied.

  “You what!”

  “We’ll see you at the ranch.” The tires screeched and spun as Emma sped off leaving Cody on the pavement glaring after them.

  “Goddamn it Emma, what have you done now?” Cody dragged his fingers through his hair. That girl was going to be the death of him and he was going to have to ban Zoe from going anywhere in her damn car.


  Lights blazed from the ranch house when Emma pulled the car to a stop near the front door.

  “We’re in for it now,” Zoe said as Emma reached over and unclipped her seatbelt.

  “Should I grab some clothes for you and we’ll head for Mexico”

  Zoe laughed. “He’d probably follow us.”

  “Speaking of Cody, look.” Emma pointed to the angry man who stomped down the steps and headed toward them.

  “Shit. He’s really angry.” Zoe cringed.

  “Yep, he sure is.” Emma stepped from the car as Cody wrenched the passenger door open.

  He reached in and swept his sister into his arms. He stopped beside the car. “You, inside.”

  Emma made a show of looking around. She placed her hand on her chest and tilted her head. “Moi?”

  “Yes, you.” Cody spun on his heel and carried his sister into the living room where he placed her down on the couch.

  Emma joined them after wrestling the chair from the trunk and grabbing her suitcase. She plopped herself down next to Zoe and they grasped hands. Cody paced before them. They felt like two naughty school girls in front of the principal.

  “When I told Zoe you could stay here for a while; I didn’t mean you could take over. What gave you the right to sack the nurse?” He leaned over Emma, his hands on his knees, waiting for an answer.

  God, he’s a spunk. His eyes resemble a mid- summer’s stormy sky when he gets angry.

  “Emma.” His shout caused her to jump with fright.

  “What?” she shouted back. Now she was getting angry. They weren’t five years old. Zoe had a right to make her own decisions.

  Her eyes shone with fire as she glared up at him. For a moment all he could think about was dragging her into his bedroom and fucking her stupid. He shook his head. “I asked you, why you thought you could fire Eden?”

  “We did it together, Cody. Emma offered to take care of me and I want her to.” Zoe explained.

  Shit no, I can’t have Emma living here indefinitely. How will I keep my libido in check?

  “What are you going to do about work, money?” There was more than a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  “You can pay her what you were paying Eden,” Zoe cut in.

  “You have it all worked out between you, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” the girls said in unison before giggling.

  Cody threw
his hands in the air. “Tomorrow we’ll establish a few rules and we’ll see how you go. Right now I’m too tired to argue about any of it. I’ll carry Zoe to her room and the rest is up to you.” He scowled at Emma as he scooped his sister into his arms.

  Chapter Three

  “Right, where do we start?” Emma stood with her hands on her hips.

  “Bathroom first, please.”

  “I see his lordship has had a bathroom installed for you straight off this room. Excellent idea.”

  “It has all the modern switches and gizmos to make it easier for me too.”

  Zoe pushed her chair toward the open door. Emma followed behind.

  The room was huge with plenty of room for the wheelchair. The sink was low so Zoe could easily reach to wash up and clean her teeth. A mirror was positioned over the sink and all light switches and points had also been lowered. Hand rails were everywhere so she could assist whoever was helping her and they wouldn’t have to take her full weight. A white plastic chair sat in the shower area, only a large glass panel to stop water from spraying all over the room divided the area off.

  “This is great. What do you need me to do?”

  Zoe gazed up and at her friend and proceeded to turn a dark ruby shade of red. Emma realized what it was all about immediately and crouched in front of her.

  “No, you don’t. Don’t you dare be embarrassed or ashamed of needing help to do anything.” Emma folded her into her arms. “I’ll help you with whatever you need and that includes sitting on the shitter.”

  Zoe burst into laughter. “When did you become so crude?”

  She shrugged. “Don’t know but it got a giggle out of you.”

  Zoe hugged her friend tightly and relaxed, embarrassment gone. Between the two of them, her needs were taken care of, she was changed and settled into her bed. Emma ensured everything she would need during the night was close at hand and the monitor was switched on.

  “I feel more comfortable knowing you have some way of calling for me if you need me during the night. Having a monitor is a good idea.”

  “It was Cody’s. He insisted I call him if I needed anything before Eden came in.”


  “I know he can be overbearing, Emma but, he has been very good to me. I hate that he blames himself for my accident. It’s not fair that he restricts himself to the ranch. Today was the first time he’s stepped foot off here since my accident. He needs to get his life back on track. Having you here will help him do that.”